Thursday, June 26, 2008
Operation வெற்றி"கரமா" mudinjudhu.... என்னோட right handla irundha platea இப்போ எடுத்து, என்னோட rendu handlayum kuduthuttanga..... Operation senja doctor பேரு Mr.Govindarajan AB. avara andha hospitalla (guest hospital) ABGnu kooptaraanga.... he is the one who planted (என்ன பெருசா Planted, மனசுல sci-fi robonu நெனப்பு) the plate one year back...
modhalla my அப்பா thought of consulting another doctor for operation, ஆனா அந்த doctor என்ன சொன்னாரு, " plate வெச்ச doctore அத எடுத்தாதான் எந்த problemum வராது, நாங்க operate பண்ணும்போது எதவாது screw மாட்டிகிட்டு செரியா வரலன்னா அதுக்கு நாங்க பொறுப்பில்ல", அப்படின்னு சொல்லிட்டாரு..... so வேற வழி இல்லாம அந்த டாக்டரையே (ABG) போய் consult பண்ணோம் and my operation date was fixed...
I went to the hospital at 6am on the operation day.... went to the ward allotted for me thn ஒரு தடவ, கை உள்ள இருந்த platea தொட்டு பாத்துகிட்டு ready aanen.. stretcher வர, அதுல நான் settle ஆக, OT (operation theatrea) நோக்கி அது போக ஆரம்பிச்சுது... OTku பக்கத்துல, oru roomla tools வெச்சுருந்தாங்க... எனக்கு "saw" padam ஞாபகத்துக்கு வரகூடாதுனு வேண்டிகிட்டேன்... அங்க இருந்த oru doctor kitta,"operation முடிஞ்சதும் எனக்கு அந்த plate வேணும்", appadinnu sonnen, அவங்களும் குடுக்கறேன்னு சொன்னாங்க...
OT உள்ள stretcher போச்சு... doctor வந்தாரு, "கார்த்திக், relax" அப்படின்னு சொன்னாரு....ஆனா நான் ஒன்னும் கவலையே இல்லாம interesta என்ன பண்றாங்கன்னு பாத்துகிட்டு இருந்தேன்.. அங்க ஒரு boardla என் பேரு, என்ன operation, யாரு operator (!!) எல்லாம் எழுதிருந்தாங்க... left handa ஒரு padla வெச்சு, ஊசியால ஒரு ஓட்டை போட்டு உள்ள anaesthesia ஏத்துனாங்க, thn lights set பண்ணாங்க.... anaesthesia effect கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமா மண்டைல ஏற, அப்படியே அங்க இருந்த எல்லாரும் fade-out ஆனாங்க.....
கொஞ்ச நேரம் கழிச்சு fade-in வந்து அப்படியே focusla வந்தா, நான் என் wardla இருக்கேன்... அவ்ளோதான் operation... ஆனா right handla செம்ம வலி..... கட்டு போட்ருந்தாங்க... அங்க இருந்த அப்பா கிட்ட "plate குடுத்தாங்களா"nu கேட்டேன்... எடுத்து குடுத்தாரு... ஒரு coverla, ஒரு Rod + 7screw இருந்துது......thn I came to my home the next day and took rest for 1week.. now blogging.... photo of tat rod+screws is below....
post title என்னன்னா, IM back (MI), அத symbloica சொல்லிருக்கேன்... :))
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla firefox has introduced its new version, firefox 3.
It has a decent interface and upto 10 new features.
But the company claims that it has improved some 15,000 new features...
but the good news for me is, the tamil fonts in google is perfect in firefox 3...
the browser is a bit fast than other browsers...
8million users downloaded it on the first day of its launch
u can download it in the following link
or here
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Operation "PLATE"

Dont assume things after reading the post's title and seeing the picture above. This operation is nothing to do with the picture above. I've just uploaded it to giv the post some effect. This operation is about removing the plate in my right hand. Ya, till now im a man of steel but will lose the qualification by tmrw afternoon. The doctors hav told me not to strain much for atleast 2 weeks, so i think i cant BLOG for another 10days atleast. But im gonna use this situation to see as many movies as possible, cause i've some 50 movies in dvd and another 20 in my pc, yet to be watched (grammar correcta??). I think i'l have some interesting things to post after the operation. எனவே friends, i'l c u in a week or two and wil resume my blogging. Wish me. அதுவரை உங்களிடமிருந்து விடை பெறுவது
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Long Live Bachelors
Every man should get married some time; after all, happiness is not the only thing in life !! -Anonymous
Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others. -Oscar Wilde
Don't marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper. -Scottish Proverb
I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years. -Sam Kinison
Men have a better time than women; for one thing, they marry later; for another thing, they die earlier. -H. L. Mencken
When a newly married couple smiles, everyone knows why. When a ten year married couple smiles, everyone wonders why.
Love is blind but marriage is an eyeopener.
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.
I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps finding her way back to home always. -Anonymous
I asked my wife, " Where do you want to go for our anniversary ?" She said," Somewhere I have never been !" I told her, " How about the kitchen ?" -Anonymous
We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.
My wife was in beauty saloon for two hours. That was only for the estimate. -Anonymous
She got a mud pack and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off. -Anonymous
She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, "Am I too late for the garbage?" Following her down the street I yelled, "No, jump in." -Anonymous
Badd Teddy recently explained to me why he refuses to get to married. He says "the wedding rings look like minature handcuffs... .."
A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly parted mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, 'Why did u have to die? Why did you have to die?"The first man approached him and said, "Sir, I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain in is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so? Deeply? A child? A parent?" The mourner took a moment to collect himself, then replied "My wife's first husband."
If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife yelling at the frontdoor, who do you let in first? The Dog of course... at least he'll shut up after u let him in! -Anonymous
A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a coin.
The wife decided to make a wish, too. But she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for a while but then smiled " It really works ! "
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
TAGGED??? ஒண்ணும் புரியல, முருகா.........
Pick up the nearest book.
Open to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.
Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.
so, அந்த பச்சப் புள்ளயோட விருப்பத்துக்காக,
ganga yamunaa sindhu sadhaa mila
lalitha kadhaaye kahathee thee"
lines from a patriotic song in the book PADAVALI
Sunday, June 1, 2008
கல்லு மாவும், grinder மாவும்
SPB once said tat remixes are "அசிங்கம் "(though he sung engeyum eppothum remix). But i dont find any probs listening to remixes only if they r neatly made. Most of my playlists has atleast one good remix song. So my opinion on remixes is the post's title. I've heard so many cheap remix songs, DJ mixes and unofficial remixes and im listing top5 tamil remix songs from tamil films here. Try to hear and tel me ur opinion on the song and it'l tak u to a music player. if u hav patience, wait for the ad to get over or click the next
5. Engeyum Eppothum from Pollathavan
Composer: YogiB
Singers: SPB, YogiB and Sunitha Sarathy
This song is in the list only because of yogiB and it is @ the last only because of him. His காட்டுக்கத்தல் at times drill our eardrums
4. Ponmagal Vandhal from Azhagiya Tamil Magan
Singers: TM Sounderrajan, Aslam and Ember
Composer: AR Rahman
A neat remix by ARR. Though the rap lyrics sounds silly, this is a quality remix But the song's picturisation wasnt good enough....
3. Vasantha Mullai from Pokkiri
Singers: TM Sounderrajan, Rahul Nambiyar and Krishnamoorthy
Composer: Manisharma
This song will be one of my all time favourite. The song fetched me the third first prize in a row in my college music competition. Good peppy number and an unexpected remix from Manisharma.
2. Thee Pidikka from Arindhum Ariyamalum
Composer: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Singers: MK Thyagaraja Bagavathar, Anushka and Premgi Amaran
I liked this song a lot wen i heard it first. I told my friends tat the song will be a huge hit and it happened. The song become the major reason for the film's success. But another bad picturisation.
1. Thottal Poo Malarum from New
Singers: Hariharan and Harini
Composer: AR Rahman
Im not a big fan of ARR but my top 5 has 2 of his songs and the remix in NEW is @ the top. An excellent remix wit the original lyrics. Even though SJ Surya doesnt fit, the song's visuals looked lik a pop album. My personal opinion is, ARR can stop composing/confusing new songs and start remixing old songs. I think he has a starting and finishing problem...